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About Us

We came to the Otways via a life in the corporate world some 10 years ago where we have built a lifestyle that is more self sufficient and where we live as sustainably as possible. Growing and sourcing organic produce is important to us.


Frans is a creative builder and fixer of all things. In fact, he renovated the cabin from its original state as an old loggers hut. His role as a Quality and Risk Manager stands him in good stead. He's a list man and keeps the farm running smoothly. When he has some free time, you'll find him creating beautiful functional furniture using recycled timbers. He also crafts hand made knives. With his keen love of photography, he'll often be seen on the farm with his camera in hand. And he loves his little tractor! Frans is a keen beekeeper and he sells his honey locally. 


Ami is the chief cook and bottle washer. She plans the planting, looks after the harvesting and seed saving of the kitchen gardens. She creates delicious award winning preserves using the organically grown produce grown on the farm.  When Ami is not in the garden or kitchen, you'll find her creating something crafty. She knits, crochets, dabbles in pottery, mosaics and random vine weaving. Ami also writes for the Otway Life magazine. 

Ami is an active member of the Birreburra CWA and Secretary of the Otway Harvest Trail. She is dedicated in promoting the region as a wonderful 'food bowl' and strives to build valuable networks between producers, makers, artisans and retailers within the region.


Our philosophy when it comes to food goes something like this: Grow it yourself organically. Barter with a neighbour. Source locally. Support local farmers. We strive to know the provenance of our food and keep our food miles low. Organic is our first choice! We use organic farming methods and do not use any chemicals on our vegetable gardens. All our preserves are made with produce grown on the farm or we barter with neighbours who do not use chemicals.

Our chooks are free range and enjoy the freedom of running about. We are happy to share our journey on how we transitioned from city life to that of living in the country.

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